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Swedish lawyer Lars Olofson is launching a range of lawsuits on behalf of defrauded JuicyFields investors. First up in his sights is Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, on who’s META Platform, the JuicyFields scams were perpetrated. This is an excerpt from the court papers he filed on 30 November 2022. The Swedish judge agreed Zuckerberg had a case to answer for, and papers will be filed on him in due course.

Lars Olofson

16 December 2022 at 08:00:00

The "warning signs" that JuicyFields was engaged in criminal purpose were evident:

  • The company was involved in cannabis sales but had no licenses;

  • JuicyFields bank, ISX, was in Cyprus having been deregistered on the Australian stock exchange and subsequently blacklisted in the international banking system blacklisted,

  • The owners of the Company are Russians, with no reported background in the cannabis industry,

  • Their consumer profiling and marketing related to an underground culture but their customers were supposedly conservative pharmaceutical companies,

  • JuicyFields presented profit and return of 250% annually and risk-free, which is completely unrealistic in any business;

  • It reported that it was cultivating in the Medellin district in Columbia, widely known as being entirely controlled by drug cartels,

  • Payments were in Crypto currency,

  • Their sales strategy was that investors could recruit other investors below them; the investment opportunity is offered to people who do not usually make investments and certainly not at this level,

  • There was always an unclear ownership structure between parent and subsidiary, there were ambiguities about ownership and internal roles and the CEO had no reported education and experience for this responsibility,

  • Reported turnover as of the end of December of 319,000 Euro but a massive marketing that obviously must have cost at least 1 million Euro.

A serious fraud has occurred which meets the requirements of the Swedish Criminal. The defendant has both for the crime of aiding and abetting and failure to comply with the requirements of the law and must therefore be sentenced accordingly. The basic fraud has lasted for two years and three months, and that the defendant, the CEO, was responsible, through his company and position, for ensuring that the business was not involved in, or supported criminal activity, yet had a business relationship throughout this time.

JuicyFields shut down its internet platform in mid-July of this year, 2022. Since then, a large number of articles have been published in newspapers around the world and at 4 META's two platforms Facebook and Instagram there are a large number of groups of investors who have now gathered to discuss what to do when you have now been deceived.

In these groups, there are today tens of thousands of members who write daily posts about both their situation where they have lost a lot of money, and what they can do together to try to get their investment back. At the same time, both Facebook and Instagram still have pages where JuicyFields itself and a large number of private individuals still promote JuicyFields and its investment concept.

That META with its operative manager does not after several months of major publication that Juicy Fields has been an investment fraud cannot have escaped them, and on their own platforms their customers and users have extensive communication around the fraud and their personal situation – and despite this, it still allows Juicy Fields and individuals to do continued marketing for something that others on the platforms tell us is a fraud.

META’s Terms of Use clearly expresses a prohibition on offering financial investments as the industry that has extensive regulation with permits and supervision. Against this background, it is particularly important for companies such as META to specify a ban on this type of message when the company is to be prevented from ending up in a situation where criminal marketing can take place.

To this must be added that the conditions also state that companies and private individuals may not publish information that is factually incorrect and misleading. META Platform Inc. is a publicly traded company listed on NASDAQ, who’s rules require that the company's top management must ensure that the company complies with current legislation in the countries in which it operates, and has a regular evaluation of whether it can be involved in criminal activities.

Compliance with this is done through the auditing company at the company's annual general meeting. By allowing a criminal activity to be able to carry out sales and marketing efforts to a large extent after it became publicly known that Juicy Fields was a large-scale investment fraud, META continued to be able to expose itself and a large number of people continued marketing,

META and its operative responsible have partly been accomplices to serious fraud and partly failed to report or prevent the crime both during the time Juicy Fields was active  and even after Juicy Fields shut down its internet platform. To this should be added that both Facebook and Instagram allowed individuals to spread disinformation that Juicy Fields was not an investment fraud and most likely it is the individuals behind the scam who continue to deceive and spread incorrect information in order to hide their criminal act.

There is a general principle of law that all citizens, regardless of their whereabouts, have an obligation not to participate in criminal activity or to report if they can be perceived as such. All companies and their management have a responsibility for the company's operations, partly by designing routines and policies to detect or prevent criminal activity, and partly to ensure that they do not cooperate with or assist in criminal activities. This also applies to a business like META Platform Inc. , which also has internal rules for not allowing various things to be published on their technical platform both in terms of ethical, moral and criminal messages and events.

META Platform Inc. also has a section where it reviews facts so as not to participate in the spread of disinformation. All this means that the business and its ultimate manager have routines and a system in place that will ensure that the company lives up to society's requirements both in terms of legislation and general values. The fact that it has then been possible to allow an activity that is clearly a fraud, and does not have applicable licenses and works in an area, cannabis, which is well known for the existence of criminal activity in the "industry" can only be explained by the fact that they have been grossly negligent in their business relationship with Juicy Fields and thus met all the criteria for being considered complicit in serious fraud and failure to report or warn of this criminal activity during the and after its operational activities.

Internet-based fraud has a turnover of several tens of billions of Euro every year, according to coherent international police organizations and institutions. The problem has greatly increased and to a large extent law enforcement authorities both nationally and internationally have not been able to do anything about this negative development.

Juicy Fields was a concept in which there were a large number of reasons and details that for anyone, each in itself, would be a warning signal. Now there was a long list of warning signs that it is completely impossible to avoid if there was an interest in both complying with national and international legislation both regulations for public companies and not least the own developed and carefully presented conditions for Facebook and Instagram's users.

The victims of many investment scams are usually not wealthy people who after the crime have become a little less wealthy - but instead it is not an unsuspecting ordinary citizens who have been affected, and lost so much that it completely destroyed their financial situation.

Something has to be done and for many of these scams, social media has become the weapon, and arrangement, the criminals use. Should any of these advertisements and marketing efforts have been attempted to be published in any newspaper in paper form or online, the publisher, media owner, would very likely have said no, and not allowed the publication and use of their technology after doing a basic due diligence about who they have a business relationship with, and what kind of message and offer is presented.

To not make the same demands on a social media platform is to exempt a function in society that has taken a relatively central role. The legislation in Sweden is very clear when it comes to aiding and abetting crimes.

Anyone who, by means of advice and deeds, is helpful to the criminal is doing a criminal offence. Anyone who should understand that a criminal act is taking place has a responsibility in the event of a criminal penalty to either report the crime or prevent its continuation.

In all of these described crimes and their elements, METAS's overall operative manager has acted negligently or even grossly negligently by allowing Juicy Fields to defraud about 125,000 people of more than 2 billion Euro – and the act has been so negligent, and the damage done so extensively with severe consequences, that the District Court should not only conclude that a crime has been committed, but also that the penalty will be imprisonment and financial compensation for both lost investment and mental suffering.

November 30, 2022 Lars Olofsson Attorney ./. 485 clients

Lars Olofsson Post office 205 SE-214 13 Malmö Sweden

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JuicyFields Class Action: The Case Against Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg

JuicyFields Class Action: The Case Against Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg

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